
A repository to work on regular expressions of different programming languages(basically Python, JavaScript, Golang etc.), trying different samples as per the need based on different requirements.

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A repository to work on regular expressions of different programming languages(basically Python, JavaScript, Golang etc.), trying different samples as per the need based on different requirements.

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You can also visit to see colored beautiful documentation of this same age.

Note: Here you can find examples from too simple to advanced as the purpose of this repository is to learn and earn knowledge step by step. So, please don’t think too much if somewhere I expanded 1 line code to 2 or more.


Python - List of functions/methods used in examples presented below

Basic functions/methods

  1. sub()

  2. compile()

  3. findall() - a method defined on pattern object. For more details, check this.

  4. match()

  5. finditer() - a method which returns an iterator

Other functions/methods

  1. start() - a method defined on match object

  2. end() - a method defined on match object

  3. span() - a method defined on match object

Getting started - Python's regular expressions

Python 3.6.7 (v3.6.7:6ec5cf24b7, Oct 20 2018, 03:02:14) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> dir(re)
['A', 'ASCII', 'DEBUG', 'DOTALL', 'I', 'IGNORECASE', 'L', 'LOCALE', 'M', 'MULTILINE', 'RegexFlag', 'S', 'Scanner', 'T', 'TEMPLATE', 'U', 'UNICODE', 'VERBOSE', 'X', '_MAXCACHE', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_alphanum_bytes', '_alphanum_str', '_cache', '_compile', '_compile_repl', '_expand', '_locale', '_pattern_type', '_pickle', '_subx', 'compile', 'copyreg', 'enum', 'error', 'escape', 'findall', 'finditer', 'fullmatch', 'functools', 'match', 'purge', 'search', 'split', 'sre_compile', 'sre_parse', 'sub', 'subn', 'template']
>>> re.A()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'RegexFlag' object is not callable
>>> re.A
<RegexFlag.ASCII: 256>

Here, in the below example you can see re.A is not a callable.

>>> for item in dir(re):
...     if callable(getattr(re, item)):
...         print(item)
>>> import re
>>> text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
>>> nums = re.sub(r"\D+", '', text)
>>> nums
>>> nums = re.sub(r"\D+", ' ', text)  # PERFECT
>>> nums
' 2 8 100 200 90 '
>>> nums = nums.strip()  # REMOVE spaces around
>>> nums
'2 8 100 200 90'
>>> nums = nums.split()
>>> nums
['2', '8', '100', '200', '90']
>>> nums = map(int, nums)
>>> nums
<map object at 0x103a45160>
>>> nums = list(nums)
>>> nums
[2, 8, 100, 200, 90]
>>> sum(nums) # SUM OF INTEGERS
>>> text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
>>> p = re.compile(r"\d+")
>>> p.findall(text)
['2', '8', '100', '200', '90']
>>> nums = [int(num) for num in  p.findall(text)]
>>> nums
[2, 8, 100, 200, 90]
>>> text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
>>> p = re.compile(r"\d+")
>>> iterator = p.finditer(text)
>>> match1 = iterator.__next__()
>>> match1.span()
(6, 7)
>>> text[6: 7]
>>> match2 = iterator.__next__()
>>> match2.span()
(24, 25)
>>> text[24: 25]
>>> match3 = iterator.__next__()
>>> match3.span()
(40, 43)
>>> text[40: 43]
>>> match4 = iterator.__next__()
>>> match4.span()
(59, 62)
>>> text[59: 62]
>>> match5 = iterator.__next__()
>>> match5.span()
(69, 71)
>>> text[69: 71]
>>> match6 = iterator.__next__()  # Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> match1.start()
>>> match1.end()
>>> match2.end()
>>> match2.start()

Let’s use above in better way.

>>> text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
>>> p = re.compile(r"\d+")
>>> iterator = p.finditer(text)
>>> nums = []
>>> for match in iterator:
...     start, end = match.start(), match.end()
...     nums.append(int(text[start: end]))
>>> nums
[2, 8, 100, 200, 90]
>>> import re
>>> text = "full____name_"
>>> output = re.sub(r"_+", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output
>>> text = "___is__to__old___"
>>> output = re.sub(r"_+", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output
>>> text = "___iS__Too__OLD"
>>> output = re.sub(r"_+", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output

Better way

re.sub(r"_{2,}", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()

>>> text = "Python_____is__really___great__for__all__"
>>> output = re.sub(r"_+", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output
>>> output2 = re.sub(r"_{2,}", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output2
>>> output3 = re.sub(r"_{3,}", '_', text.strip("_")).lower()
>>> output3
>>> import re
>>> text = "12 coins were on 5 tables for 7 days."
>>> arr = re.split(r"\d+", text)
>>> arr
['', ' coins were on ', ' tables for ', ' days.']
>>> ''.join(arr)
' coins were on  tables for  days.'
>>> ''.join(arr).strip()
'coins were on  tables for  days.'
>>> re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', ''.join(arr).strip())
'coins were on tables for days.'
>>> import re
>>> text = "MyFullName"
>>> p = re.compile("[A-Z]")
>>> iterator = p.finditer(text)
>>> i = 0
>>> output = ''
>>> for match in iterator:
...     if i == 0:
...         start, end = match.start(), match.end()
...     else:
...         start2, end2 = match.start(), match.end()
...         output += text[start: start2].lower() + ":"
...         start = start2
...     i += 1
... else:
...     output += text[start2:].lower()
>>> output
>>> re.sub(r':', '_', output)

Getting started - JavaScript's regular expressions

  try-regex git:(master)  node                     
> let text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
> let nums = text.split(/\D+/g)
> nums
[ '', '2', '8', '100', '200', '90', '' ]
> if(nums.length) {
...     if(!nums[0]) 
...         nums.shift()  // Remove first item from nums i.e. ''  
... }
> nums
[ '2', '8', '100', '200', '90', '' ]
> if(nums.length) {
...     if(!nums[nums.length - 1]) 
...         nums.pop()  // Remove last item from nums i.e. ''  
... }
> nums
[ '2', '8', '100', '200', '90' ]
> // Converting to integers (using map() method)
> nums = => Number.parseInt(num))
[ 2, 8, 100, 200, 90 ]
> nums
[ 2, 8, 100, 200, 90 ]

Attached screenshot


> let text = "These 2 days, I will do 8 imp tasks for 100 years to make $200 using 90 techniques."
> text.replace(/\D+/g, ' ')
' 2 8 100 200 90 '
> text.replace(/\D+/g, ' ').trim() 
'2 8 100 200 90'
> text.replace(/\D+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ')
[ '2', '8', '100', '200', '90' ]
> text.replace(/\D+/g, ' ').trim().split(' ').map((num) => Number.parseInt(num))
[ 2, 8, 100, 200, 90 ]

Python references

JavaScript references